Quality Management and Quality Assurence of Software (QMQA) - WT 2024/25
Quality Management and Quality Assurance (QMQA) should always be considered together. Quality management deals with organisational aspects; quality assurance with technical content. Insufficient quality can have negative consequences. Such consequences range from economic losses to human lives being endangered. Demonstrating compliance with quality management standards and the use of appropriate quality assurance techniques is therefore very important.
The course covers important aspects of software quality management and software quality assurance:
- Techniques for software quality management and software quality assurance are introduced and their characteristics (advantages, disadvantages, limitations) are discussed.
- Furthermore, practical examples of analysis and testing methods are covered.
Contents of the lecture
- Dynamic Testing
- Static Analysis Techniques
- Measures
- Dataflow Anomaly Analysis
- Review and Inspection Techniques
- Formal Proof Techniques
- Organization forms of the quality management for software and systems
- Techniques for the quality management, e.g. TQM, QFD, SPC
- Standards in quality management
- Maturity model based methods in quality management
- Structure of a quality management system
The lecture will be fully conducted in-person, and organized via an OpenOLAT course.
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Liggesmeyer
- Room: 32-425
- Contact: Please contact the secretariat
Lecture Supervision:
- Alexander Günther
- Room: 32-424
- E-Mail: alexander.guenther@cs.uni-kl.de
- Phone: +49 (631) 205-3269
Lecture Classes
All lectures are going to be in-person.
When?: every Monday, 08:15 - 09:45 o'clock, first date will be announced via notifications in the OpenOLAT course.
Where?: In the lecture hall 46-110.
For more information about the course, the excercises and the exam, please check the OpenOLAT course.
Quality Management and Quality Assurance (QMQA) should always be considered together. Quality management deals with organisational aspects; quality assurance with technical content. Insufficient quality can have negative consequences. Such consequences range from economic losses to human lives being endangered. Demonstrating compliance with quality management standards and the use of appropriate quality assurance techniques is therefore very important.
The course covers important aspects of software quality management and software quality assurance:
- Techniques for software quality management and software quality assurance are introduced and their characteristics (advantages, disadvantages, limitations) are discussed.
- Furthermore, practical examples of analysis and testing methods are covered.
Contents of the lecture
- Dynamic Testing
- Static Analysis Techniques
- Measures
- Dataflow Anomaly Analysis
- Review and Inspection Techniques
- Formal Proof Techniques
- Organization forms of the quality management for software and systems
- Techniques for the quality management, e.g. TQM, QFD, SPC
- Standards in quality management
- Maturity model based methods in quality management
- Structure of a quality management system
The lecture will be fully conducted in-person, and organized via an OpenOLAT course.
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Liggesmeyer
- Room: 32-425
- Contact: Please contact the secretariat
Lecture Supervision:
- Alexander Günther
- Room: 32-424
- E-Mail: alexander.guenther@cs.uni-kl.de
- Phone: +49 (631) 205-3269
Lecture Classes
All lectures are going to be in-person.
When?: every Monday, 08:15 - 09:45 o'clock, first date will be announced via notifications in the OpenOLAT course.
Where?: In the lecture hall 46-110.
For more information about the course, the excercises and the exam, please check the OpenOLAT course.
Quality Management and Quality Assurance (QMQA) should always be considered together. Quality management deals with organisational aspects; quality assurance with technical content. Insufficient quality can have negative consequences. Such consequences range from economic losses to human lives being endangered. Demonstrating compliance with quality management standards and the use of appropriate quality assurance techniques is therefore very important.
The course covers important aspects of software quality management and software quality assurance:
- Techniques for software quality management and software quality assurance are introduced and their characteristics (advantages, disadvantages, limitations) are discussed.
- Furthermore, practical examples of analysis and testing methods are covered.
Goals of the Lecture
Upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to,
- apply central techniques of quality management for software (e.g. TQM, SPC),
- evaluate maturity model-based procedures and standards in quality management,
- apply key software quality assurance techniques (esp. dynamic testing techniques and static analysis),
- use common software quality assurance techniques (measurement, data flow anomaly analysis, review and inspection techniques),
- assess the appropriateness of the individual techniques in a specific case and apply these techniques.
Contents of the Lecture
- Dynamic Testing
- Static Analysis Techniques
- Measures
- Dataflow Anomaly Analysis
- Review and Inspection Techniques
- Formal Proof Techniques
- Organization forms of the quality management for software and systems
- Techniques for the quality management, e.g. TQM, QFD, SPC
- Standards in quality management
- Maturity model based methods in quality management
- Structure of a quality management system
- Liggesmeyer P., Software-Qualität (2.Aufl.), Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2009
- Spillner A., Linz T., Basiswissen Softwaretest (6. Aufl.), Heidelberg, dpunkt.Verlag, 2019
- Myers G.J., Badgett T., Sandler C., The Art of Software Testing (3rd Edition), Hoboken, John Wiley & Sons, 2012
- Materials for the lecture (lecture slides) and for the tutorial (exercise sheets) will be published regularly inthe corresponding OLAT course.
Prof. Dr. Peter Liggesmeyer
Office hours: on appointment with Secretary Caroline Frey
Lecture Supervisors
For any doubts or queries regarding the lecture, exercises or other organisational issues, please feel free to contact us.
Anil Ranjitbhai Patel
Email: patel(at)cs.uni-kl.de
Room: 32-435
Alexander Günther
Email: alexander.guenther(at)cs.uni-kl.de
Room: 32-424
Course Information
- The lecture QMQA consists of 2 SWS lecture and 1 SWS tutorial.
- Lecture: First lecture will be on 24.10.2022.
- The QMQA lecture in WS22/23 is in the presence-mode.
- The lecture and exercises are organized via the OpenOLAT system. All course related announcements will also be made in the corresponding OLAT course.
- Additional material like lecture notes and exercises can be downloaded from OpenOLAT system.
- Tutorial:
- New exercise sheets will be available every second week. Explainatory videos or a presence tutorial follow one week after.
- Exam:
- We will offer one exam date only. The exact date and time of the exam will be decided later.
- The exam duration is 90 minutes. Bring a valid student identification. If it does not have a picture of you, bring a valid photo ID along.
- You are allowed to use:
- A non-programmable calulator,
- A DIN A4 size sheet with notes printed or handwritten on both sides,
- A language dictionary without any notes.
Entry in KIS-System
Additional Information
- To add the online lecture and exercise schedule to your calendar, you can use the ical calendar link on the OLAT page of the course.
Diese Vorlesung wird nur in englischer Sprache angeboten.
Due to COVID-19 crisis, this lecture will be only offered digitally through OLAT platform.
Students possess deepened knowledge of important techniques of software quality assurance and quality management. Students can evaluate the applicability of different techniques. The are capable to choose and apply techniques in practical situations.
- Measures
- Dataflow Anomaly Analysis
- Review and Inspection Techniques
- Formal Proof Techniques
- Organization forms of the quality management for software and systems
- Techniques for the quality management, e.g. TQM, QFD, SPC
- Standards in quality management
- Maturity model based methods in quality management
- Structure of a quality management system
- Materials for the lecture (lecture slides) and for the tutorial (exercise sheets) would be published regularly in Olat.
- Additional literature
additional literature for the lecture would be coming soon.
Prof. Dr. Peter Liggesmeyer
Room 32/425
Office hours: on appointment with Secretary Caroline Frey
The lecture QMQA consists of 2 SWS lecture and 1 SWS tutorial.
Additional information for the first tutorial will be published soon.
- Lecture:
2 SWS - new lecture would be available in Olat every Monday.
First lecture on Monday, Oct. 25th. - Tutorial:
1 SWS - new exercise sheet would be available every second week. Explainatory video would be published one week after. - Exam:
We will offer one exam date only. The exact date and time of the exam will be decided later.
The exam duration is 90 minutes. Bring a valid student identification. If it does not have a picture of you, bring a valid photo ID along.
You are allowed to use:- A non-programmable calulator
- A DIN A4 size sheet with notes printed or handwritten on both sides
- A language dictionary without any notes
Rasha Abu Qasem
Office hours: on appointment
to come soon...
to come soon...
Please look at news page for any announcement.
SRES, B/M, 2V+1Ü, WS (E)
Lernziele der Vorlesung
- Beherrschung spezieller formaler und stochastischer Techniken zur Sicherheits- und Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse für Software und Systeme
- Kenntnisse zur Anwendung einschlägiger Analyseverfahren in der Praxis
Inhalt der Vorlesung
Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit sind bei Software-Anwendungen im technischen Bereich im Regelfall besonders wichtige Qualitätsmerkmale. In vielen Anwendungsbereichen — z.B. Schienenfahrzeuge, Avionik, Automobiltechnik, Medizintechnik — kann ein Softwarefehlverhalten Menschenleben gefährden. Daher sind vor der Inbetriebsetzung derartiger Systeme z.B. Sicherheitsnachweise zu führen. Diese müssen naturgemäß vollständig sein oder mindestens nachweisen, dass ein tolerierbares Restrisiko nicht überschritten wird.
Es werden aktuelle Techniken zur Sicherheits- und Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse für Software und Systeme dargestellt. Neben der Identifikation und der Bewertung von Risiken wird die Akzeptanz von Risiken betrachtet.
- Materialien zur Vorlesung und Übung
Auf dieser Seite finden Sie begleitend zusätzliches Material zur Vorlesung (Vortragsfolien etc.) und zu den Übungen (Übungsaufgaben).
- Literatur zur Vorlesung
Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Literaturangaben zur Vorlesung.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Liggesmeyer
Raum 32-425
Kontakt: Bitte wenden Sie sich an das Sekretariat Caroline Frey
Vorlesungsbetreuung und Übung
Falls Sie Fragen zur Vorlesung, zu den Übungen oder anderen organisatorischen Aspekten haben, können Sie sich gerne an uns in Kontakt setzen.
Anil Ranjitbhai Patel
Email: patel(at)cs.uni-kl.de
Raum: 32-435
- Die Veranstaltung SRES besteht aus 2 SWS Vorlesung und 1 SWS Übung.
- Aufgrund von COVID-19 wird die SRES-Vorlesung im WS21/22 zunächst nur digital angeboten. Vorlesungsaufzeichnungen der verschiedenen Kapitel werden unter diesem Link verfügbar sein.
- Die Vorlesung und die Übung werden über das OpenOLAT-System organisiert. Dort geben wir auch Ankündigungen bekannt. Bitte hier klicken.
- Zusätzliches Material wie Vorlesungsskripte und Übungen können ebenfalls über das OpenOLAT-System heruntergeladen werden.
Einträge im KIS-System
Zusätzliche Information
- Im KIS sind für diese Vorlesung keine bestimmten Termine vorgesehen, da die Vorlesung und ihre Übungen online durchgeführt werden. Sie können die Vorlesung daher nicht über das KIS-Office in Ihren Kalender eintragen.
- Um den Online-Vorlesungs- und Übungsplan in Ihren Kalender einzutragen, können Sie den Link ical-Kalender auf der OLAT-Seite der Lehrveranstaltung verwenden.