Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Liggesmeyer
Gebäude: 32
Raum: 425
Funktion: Leiter des Lehrstuhls
Kontakt: per Email seda-info(at)
Claudia Schwager
Gebäude: 32
Raum: 423
Telefon: +49 (631) 205-3341
Funktion: Sekretariat
Projekte und studentische Arbeiten finden Sie hier.
Thomas Schneider
Gebäude: 32 Raum: 427 Telefon: +49 (631) 205-3342 Funktion: Technische Unterstützung |
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter und Doktoranden
M.Sc. Anil Ranjitbhai Patel
Gebäude: 32
Raum: 435
Telefon: +49 (631) 205-3334
Funktion: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
M.Sc. Alexander Günther
Gebäude: 32
Raum: 424
Telefon: +49 (631) 205-3269
Funktion: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Externe Doktoranden
Simon Scherr
Nishanth Laxman
Frank Schnicke
Sven Theobald
Emilia Cioroaica
Nedo Bartels
Ehemalige Mitarbeiter
Nikita Bhardwaj Haupt
Rasha Abu Qasem
Brian Tewanima Löwe
Dr. Felix Möhrle
Sebastian Müller
Kai Bizik
Sven Böttger
Carolina Gómez
Kai Nehring
Dr. Markus Damm
Dr. Patric Keller
Kavyashree Jamboti
Ehemalige Doktoranden
Name | Dissertation Title | Year |
Dr. Ahmad Adee | Model Based System Analysis Techniques to Determine Propagation Paths of Functional Insufficiencies in Software Intensive Systems | 2023 |
Dr. Alexander Prohaska | Modular Saftey Analysis with Dependency-aware Fault Trees | 2022 |
Dr. Felix Möhrle | Automated Fault Tree Analysis by Composition of Type Annotated Component Fault Trees | 2022 |
Dr. Fabio Luiz Leite Junior | A Dynamic Risk Assessment Approach for Cooperative Medical Cyber-Physical Systems | 2021 |
Dr. Patrik Feth | Dynamic Behavior Risk Assessment for Autonomous Systems | 2019 |
Dr. Sebastian Müller | Contract-Based Safety Certification for the Dynamic Adaptation Behavior of Networked Embedded Systems | 2019 |
Dr. Christian Schmitt | A Model for Structuring and Reusing Security Requirements Sources | 2017 |
Dr. Michael Roth | Qualitative Reliability Analysis of Software-Controlled Systems using State/Event Fault Trees | 2016 |
Dr. Max Steiner | Integrating Security Concerns into Safety Analysis of Embedded Systems Using Component Fault Trees | 2016 |
Dr. Pablo Oliveira Antonino de Assis | Improving the Consistency and Completeness of Safety Requirements Specifications | 2016 |
Dr. Hassan Mohammad | Verification and Performance Measurement for Transport Protocol Parallel Routing of an AUTOSAR Gateway System | 2016 |
Dr. Michael Kläs | HyDEEP: Transparent Combination of Measurement and Expert Data for Defect Prediction | 2016 |
Dr. Thomas Bauer | Enabling Functional Integration Testing by Using Heterogeneous Models | 2016 |
Dr. Raga'ad AlTarawneh | Visual Interactive Support for Understanding the Structural and Behavioral Aspects of Embedded Systems | 2015 |
Dr. Taimur Khan | Interactive Visual Analysis of Software Structures | 2015 |
Dr. Sören Kemmann | SAHARA A Structured Approach for Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessments | 2015 |
Dr. Zhensheng Guo | Safe Requirements Engineering: A Scenario-based Approach for Identifying Complete Safety-oriented Requirements | 2014 |
Dr. Bastian Zimmer | Efficiently Deploying Safety-Critical Applications onto Open Integrated Architectures | 2014 |
Dr. Daniel Schneider | Conditional Safety Certification for Open Adaptive Systems | 2014 |
Dr. Daniel Schmidt | Safe Navigaton of a Wall-Climbing Robot - Risk Assessment and Control Methods | 2013 |
Asso. Prof. Dr. Yi Yang | Visual Support for Safety Analysis | 2012 |
Prof. Dr. Kai Höfig | Failure-Dependent Timing Analysis: A New Methodology for Probabilistic Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis | 2012 |
Dr. Florian Schmidt | Funktionale Absicherung kamerabasierter aktiver Fahrerassistenzsysteme durch Hardware-in-the-Loop-Tests | 2012 |
Dr. Dominik J. Domis | Integrating Fault-Tree Analysis and Component-Oriented Model-Based Design of Embedded Systems | 2012 |
Dr. Frank Böhr | Model-Based Statistical Testing of Embedded Real-Time Software with Continuous and Discrete Signals in a Concurrent Environment | 2011 |
Dr. Nikolas Nehmer | Exception Handling – A Systematic Log-Based Approach | 2011 |
Dr. Gerrit Hanselmann | On the principle of heterogeneous redundancy based Bayesian approach to integrate static and dynamic fault prediction models | 2011 |
Dr. Mesut Ipek | Eine Testfallspezifikationsprache für das funktionsorientierte Testen von reaktiven eingebetteten Systemen im automobilen Bereich | 2010 |
Dr. Roland Neumann | Orthogonalisierte Softwaremaße in der Fehlerprognose | 2009 |
Dr. Christian Denger | SafeSpection - A Framework for Systematization and Customization of Software Hazard Identification | 2008 |
Dr. Robert Kalcklösch | Gossip-Based Diagnosis of Arbitrary Component-Oriented Systems | 2008 |
Dr. Benedikte Elbel | Ein Modell zur Untersuchung der Formalisierbarkeit des funktionsorientierten Tests | 2007 |
Dr. Bernhard Kaiser | State/Event Fault Trees: A Safety and Reliability Analysis Technique for Software-Controlled Systems | 2005 |
Dr. Christopher Robinson-Mallett
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Lars Grunske | Modellbasierte Modulprüfung für die Entwicklung technischer, softwareintensiver Systeme mit Real-time Object-Oriented Modeling Strukturorientierte Optimierung der Qualitätseigenschaften von softwareintensiven technischen Systemen im Architekturenentwurf | 2005 2004 |