Books in German and in English
- Birolini, A. Reliability Engineering: Theory and Practice, Springer, Heidelberg, 2010 - 2007
- Kececioglu D., Reliability Engineering Handbook, Prentice-Hall, 1991
- Leveson, N.G., Safeware: System safety and computers, New York: Addison-Wesley, 1995
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- Myers, G.J., Software Reliability New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1976
- Tobias, P.A., Trindade, D.C., Applied Reliability, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1995
Scientific Articles in English
- Avizienis A., Laprie J.C., and Randell B. Fundamental concepts of dependability, Technical Report Series - University of Newcastle Upon Tyne Computing Science, 2001
- Evans R. and Moffett J., Derivation of safety targets for the random failure of programmable vehicle based systems., Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, pages 240–249, 2000.
- Gertsbakh. I., Reliability theory with applications to preventive maintenance., IIE Transactions, 34(12):1111–1114, 2002
- Grunske L., Kaiser B., and Reussner. RH, Specification and evaluation of safety properties in a component-based software engineering process, Componentbased Software Development For Embedded Systems: An Overview of Current Research Trends, 3778, 2005.
- Kaiser B., Grunske L., Neumann R., Hierarchical Software Quality Models - A step towards quantifying non-functional properties, Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Software Measurement, Magdeburg, 2002.
- Kaiser B., State/Event Fault Trees: A Safety and Reliability Analysis Technique for Software-Controlled Systems, PhD thesis, Doctoral dissertation, TU Kaiserslautern, 2005.
- Kaiser B., Liggesmeyer P., and Mäckel O. A new component concept for fault trees, In Proceedings of the 8th Australian workshop on Safety critical systems and software-Volume 33, pages 37–46. Australian Computer Society, Inc. Darlinghurst, Australia, Australia, 2003
- Pâris J.F., Schwarz TJE , and Long. D.D.E. Evaluating the reliability of storage systems., Department of Computer Science-University of Huston, 2006.